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Look after your health with a DA Health Plan

Affordable health plan from just ₱83 / month

DA Health Plan is an annual prepaid plan that offers unlimited online consultations with licensed doctors (general practitioner, internal medicine doctor, family medicine doctor, and specialists), so you can check in whenever you need. Choose a plan that best suits you.

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Stay protected in uncertain times

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Check in with a doctor via video call anywhere you are in the Philippines


Access prescriptions, referrals, and medical certificates directly in-app


DA Health Plans


Unlimited General Practitioner online consultations via video call for 12 months

Eligibility Ages - for all ages


Unlimited General Practitioner
online c
onsultations via video call for 12 months

Plus ₱50,000 Life Insurance

Eligibility Ages - 18-64 years old

Get inspired by DA members

Teleconsult is very convenient for us busy employees.
I highly recommend teleconsultation for the convenience and safety of the patient.

-Ariel, DA member

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Enjoy exclusive discounts & privileges from our partner merchants

Frequently Asked Questions

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