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Health Coverage for Small Businesses and Freelancers

Our health plans with unlimited online consultations and life insurance provide health coverage for self-employed workers and small businesses

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See a doctor

online in minutes

No more waiting in line, get unlimited online consultations 

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Accessible from

any location

Check in with a doctor via video call anywhere you are in the Philippines




Access prescriptions, referrals, and medical certificates directly in-app

DA Health Plans

Select your DA Health Plans

Annual health plans that offer video consultations with licensed doctors,

so you can check in whenever you need. Choose a plan that best suits you.

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for all ages









Eligibility Ages 

GP Video Consultations

Specialists Video Consultations

Mental Health Consultations

ER Coverage

ER & ER leading to Confinement Coverage

Comprehensive Physical Exam 

Life Insurance Coverage

DA Referral Programme

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18-64 years old







₱50,000 by Sun Life


Buy now, Pay later with


Get a DA Health Plan in 3 Easy Steps

Affordable and convenient without compromising quality of care

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Download DA app
Select the right doctor

Step 1:
Select the right DA Health Plan for you


Avail your plan online and receive a confirmation email.

Step 2:
Download the
DA App


Activate your health plan in the Doctor Anywhere app.

Step 3:
See a GP or
Specialist online 


Consult a doctor on-demand or via an appointment over video, using the app.

Get inspired by DA members

Teleconsult is very convenient for us busy employees.
I highly recommend teleconsultation for the convenience and safety of the patient.

-Ariel, DA member

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Frequently Asked Questions

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